Aleix Camps

Investment analyst

Ideas become valuable when they are no longer ideas


I am always on the go. Between cities, ideas, projects, and even countries. I am enthusiastic about developing, analyzing, data, drawing, and thinking about tech and product strategies.

But what happens when you implement Project Management tools to work in a team more efficiently and work hand-by-hand while tech staff meets passion? You get strategic, impactful results.

I have helped to develop the Startup Studio methodology and guided the project's product owners to grow as fast and efficiently as possible.

We are creators. We are a movement. We are unique. We are listeners. We are achievers. We are Boosters.
We are creators. We are a movement. We are unique. We are listeners. We are achievers. We are Boosters.
We are creators. We are a movement. We are unique. We are listeners. We are achievers. We are Boosters.